PACE is the Pan African Conservation Education project, funded by the Vodafone Foundation and run in partnership by Tusk Trust and Siren Conservation Education.
PACE supports conservation and sustainability education, providing ideas, information and training for teachers and learners across Africa. This includes the sharing of simple solutions to environmental problems – from fuel-saving stoves to rainwater harvesting; compost making to forest protection. Ideas and sharing practical ways to learn about soil, woodland, water and waste management.
An impact assessment was carried out in 2016 and showed that PACE interventions result in behaviour change – trees planted, reduced firewood consumption and conflict managed.
In August 2011 all schools that were part of the HvSMF “club” received a set of PACE manuals and the head teachers received a briefing explaining more about the PACE project and how we envisaged implementation of the project in our schools.
Alex and Claire judged all the participating schools during their visit in March 2013 and made the following awards:
- 400,000 UGX - Kisadahki Primary – produced energy saving charcoal balls made out of cassava flour, ash and charcoal powder – very slow burning
- 300,000 UGX - Busesa Primary – built a house for the goats where the manure collects underneath
- 200,000 UGX - Bukyonza Primary – created neat vegetable garden with large selection for pupils and staff food.
- 100,000 UGX - Namwendwa Primary – large rubbish pit which creates manure for ginger and banana plantation
- Five schools were also given 50,000 UGX each as a highly commended prize in order to encourage more awareness as to how they can help the environment.
Subsequently, a competition has been held every March, when trustees pay a visit to all schools, and every school is required to put on a presentation or play, without the assistance of any teacher. The four cash prizes are awarded every year, with the money to go towards text books, science equipment or stationery. If schools have introduced projects, with which we are particularly impressed, we may be willing to provide additional funding to assist with the project. We will welcome any proposals, which schools put to us, for environmental projects in their school.
What teachers impart to children shapes the environment of the future. PACE provides resources so that environmental education can be integrated into the teaching of many different subjects in the curriculum – an efficient and effective way to teach environmental awareness. The books provide teaching activities for use in English, Geography, Science and Art classes. They can all be adapted to suit different age groups and reflect local environmental issues.
Not just a set of books. Projects could include:
- Tree planting
- School gardens
- Water harvesting
- Wildlife conservation
- Fuel efficient cooking
- Improving soil quality
- Reducing soil erosion
- Managing rubbish
- Improving hygiene and sanitation
It is our hope that the books will be used in the classroom as a way of introducing practical projects in schools. Students can both learn about the environment and improve the environment in the school compound. Schools are encouraged to use this as an opportunity to start a school garden, to plant trees in part of the compound, or to change the way in which they use firewood in the school kitchen. We hope that schools will be inspired by PACE to think carefully about what work they could do to improve their compound and implement these projects at each school. Although we will not necessarily be able to provide funds for these projects, much of this work can be done relatively cheaply. For example, saplings can be bought at a low cost, or seeds can be collected for free.
Please note that there is a lot of further information about PACE on

Annual Prize Giving in August
Top prize in March 2019 went to Butansi for their “Water Harvesting Presentation”
Nalango Primary School shared 2nd prize with a well presented and simple play about the use and benefits of the bio gas within a farm scene
March 2013: Busesa Primary School wins 2nd prize.
March 2013: Head Teacher Mrs Joyce Mdimukika receives 3rd prize for Bukyonza Primary