

Pupils every year



Teachers' Houses



Teachers' Latrines



Teachers’ washroom

Itukulu Primary School

Number of pupils :  606 (287 boys & 319 girls)

School Motto :  Obedience is Wisdom

Itukulu is a typical rural Ugandan primary school.  It is located in the Kamuli district about 2 miles west of the main Kamuli/Jinja road and is accessed via a dirt track.  It was founded by the church of Uganda some years ago.

The government originally built 10 classrooms, 7 were used as classrooms, one was a library, one was a store and one was used for the nursery section. They all needed renovation and bringing up to a standard that will last for the next 20 years. The boys' and girls' latrines were all unhygienic and mixed together which is not suitable in particular for older girls.

The nearest borehole was 2 kms away and there was a lack of teachers’ houses and latrines, which means the school could not recruit and retain good quality teachers. The current kitchen was made of wooden poles with a sheet of tin and was not fit for purpose.

During 2020 HvSMF donated very many projects which transformed this very rural primary school.  Unfortunately due to covid the playground was unable to be added until 2022.  In 2023 a new head teacher arrived and, we hope that because of the large donation to the school, plus the excellent support of the PTA and SMC, that he will be able to increase the enrolment and improve the academic standards.  We wish him all the best.


Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

David Waiswa

What's been done so far?


  • Renovate 3 x teachers’ houses
  • Renovate 3 x teachers’ latrines & construct 1 x teachers’ washroom


  • Provide of textbooks
  • Renovate  4 x teachers’ houses
  • Provide school sign


  • Renovate 2 classrooms and add staffroom to classroom block
  • Construct a boys’ and girls’ washroom
  • Construct 8 x girls’ latrines
  • Renovate 4 classrooms
  • Construct 1.5 classroom to include 2 offices
  • Construct kitchen with store
  • Provide 80 x 3-seater desks
  • Construct 2 x staff furniture packages
  • Provide £1,500 textbooks
  • Renovate 4 classrooms inc library & store
  • Provide 2 x solar packages
  • Provide library furniture package
  • Construct 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construct 4 x teachers’ latines and 2 teachers’ washrooms
  • Construct 4 x boys latrines
  • Provide sports equipment package
  • Provide musical instrument package
  • Drill Borehole


  • Play Action International playground

3 x teachers’ houses to be renovated

3 x teachers’ latrines

School classrooms needing renovation

Renovated 3 x teachers’ houses

Renovated latrines & new washroom

Teachers’ houses renovated in 2019 (2 at the back - 2 at the front)

Flickr Galleries

Itukulu Primary School 2024

Itukulu Primary School 2022