

Pupils every year






New Latrines




Kifuyo Secondary School

Kifuyo Secondary SignNumber of pupils : 1244 (687 boys & 557 girls)

School Motto :  Commitment yields success.

Kifuyo Secondary School is located in the very poor Namayingo district.  It is the only secondary school in the sub-county for 15 miles.  It started as a church project in 2008 and a 4 acre site was donated by St John’s Chapel, Buyinja Sub County.  Secondary education is vital and the 30 mile round trip deters many students from completing their education. When we arrived at the school in early 2008, the only classroom for the 20 students was a temporary structure, of some tarpaulin supported by wooden poles.

Now the school also offers excellent facilities for both the students and teachers.  Of the 28 teachers, 16 live on site and enjoy HvSMF constructed houses and hygienic latrines and washrooms.  This makes it easier to retain and recruit good teaching staff.

In July 2017 the school became part of the Government Grant Aided (GGA) scheme.  The government is slowly (100 schools per annum) rolling out a scheme to take over one government school in each subcounty, as recommended by the subcounty local government.   Grant aid is for the provision of teachers wages and students capitation grants but does not include development of infrastructure.  Thus the school still needs donations from elsewhere.  The school is now able to offer O’levels and A level’s.

The school went from strength to strength under the previous head teacher, Moses Namisi, who arrived as a young man in 2016 when there were 310 students to now when there are 1244 students.  He transformed the school to what it is today. He was an inspirational head teacher.  Tragically Moses died of a cardiac arrest in May 2023 leaving a young widow with small children.  The school is continuing to look after and educate his children as his widow has been left with no income.  He will be truly missed by everyone involved with the school.

His deputy, Isaac Olumbe, has become the head teacher, having recently graduated with a masters degree in Education.  This is now a requirement for head teachers of secondary schools.  He was chosen by the Board of Governors and has the support of the school and community which was obvious when we visited in February 2024.  We wish him the very best in the future and hope the school enrolment and exam results continue to grow.  This has proved to be an exceptional HvSMF school and in total we have donated £163,442 towards establishing it.



Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Isaac Olumbe

What's been done so far?


  • Construction of 2.5 classrooms, with office and store room
  • Supply of 30 x new desks, book cupboard and text books
  • Supply of 1 x 10,000 litre plastic water tank
  • Construction of 8 x latrines


  • Construction of 2 x classrooms
  • Supply of 30 x 3-seater desks and head teacher’s desk and chair


  • Construction 1.5 x classrooms as science lab and prep room
  • Supply of lab furniture and science equipment


  • Construction of 2.5 x classrooms as library, classroom and head teacher’s office
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ latrines and 2 x teachers’ washrooms
  • Construction of 8 x girls’ latrines
  • Construction of 1 x 20,000 litre ISSB water tank
  • Supply of staff furniture package
  • Supply of library furniture package
  • Supply of 50 x single seater desks
  • Supply textbooks
  • Supply of further science equipment
  • Supply of sports equipment package
  • Supply of musical instrument package
  • Supply of 2 x solar panel packages
  • 2014
  • Supply of 30 x single desks and 10 lab stools


  • Construction of 1.5 girls’ dormitory to include matron’s room and sick bay
  • Construction of 8 x girls’ latrines and 1 x girls’ washroom
  • Supply of IT equipment to include 10 laptops and solar panels
  • Renovation of 8 x mixed latrines to become boys’ only
  • Renovation of kitchen and construction of store
  • Provide science equipment
  • Provide staff furniture package
  • Provide 15 x 3 seater desks


  • Construction of 2.5 classrooms
  • Construction of 1.5 boys’ dorm to include matron’s room and sick bay
  • Construction of 8 x boys’ latrines and 1 boys’ washroom
  • Supply of 2 x water tanks
  • Supply text books
  • Drill borehole


  • Provide 35 x bunk beds
  • Provide sports equipment package
  • Provide science equipment
  • Provide 25 x 3-seater desks


  • Provide science equipment


  • Construction of 4 classrooms
  • Provide 10 desk top computers
  • Provide 55 x 3-seater desks
  • Provide 25 single seater desks
  • Construction of 1.5 x girls’ dormitory
  • Construction of 8 x girls’ latrines plus 1 x girls’ washroom
  • Construction of 1 x boys’ dormitory
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Constructions of 4 x teachers’ latrines and 2 x teachers’ washrooms
  • Provide 30 x metal bunk beds
  • Provide £1000 science equipment


  • Provide £1000 science equipment


  • Provide 75 x single desks
  • Provide 20 x 3-seater desks
  • Provide library furniture package
  • Provide £1500 textbooks
  • Provide £1500 chemicals and science equipment


  • Provide £1000 science equipment


  • Provide 40 x 3-seater desks


Kitchen 2012 before renovation

The old classroom

New bore hole

Kitchen 2016 after renovation

New 2.5 classroom block including head teacher’s office

Teachers’ houses, watertank, latrines & washrooms

Flickr Galleries

Kifuyo Secondary School 2024

Kifuyo Secondary School 2022