

Children every year






Nursery Latrines



Water Tank

Kisadhaki Nursery School

Number of pupils :  125 (64 boys & 61 girls)

School Motto :  Hard Work Pays

In 2011 we decided to construct a nursery school which would mean that many children would automatically feed into the primary school.  This school has consistently had over 100 children which, considering the parents cannot really afford the fees, is exceptional.

In October 2013 six youngsters, associated with the charity SkillForce, who had all received their Duke’s Award from the Duke of Cambridge, in 2012, were sponsored by a very kind donor to undertake an expedition that they could never have dreamed about!  They spent a week at the school painting murals on the nursery school walls, helping with the construction of a water tank and then as a treat they went white water rafting down the Nile.  The expedition was a huge success.

Every encouragement is given for the enrolment to continue to grow.


Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Paul Nadiope

What's been done so far?


  • Construction of 3 x classrooms plus office and staffroom
  • Supply of 1 x school sign


  • Provide 30 x 3-seater desks
  • Supply of fencing


  • Construction of 4 x mixed latrines
  • Supply of 1 x 20,000 litre ISSB water tank


  • Provide staff furniture package
  • Provide 20 x 3-seater desks
  • Provide textbooks, teaching aids and play materials
  • Provide swings, slide and witches hat roundabout


  • Provide 3 x puzzle mats and 3 x grass mats


Nursery School 2014

New water tank

Witches hat roundabout

Nursery school painted by SkillForce volunteers

New latrines

New desks

Flickr Galleries

Kisadhaki Nursery School 2024

Kisadhaki Nursery & Primary School 2022