What your money buys

A small donation in Great Britain
can make a huge difference in Uganda

These figures were correct in 2022.

Fundraising finished in 2024

Whatever your budget - your donations will directly help give the impoverished children of south east Uganda the school buildings and facilities which will ensure they receive a proper education.

If donors pay for specific buildings we recognise their contributions with a granite plaque on the building. It is possible for donors to dedicate the building to a specific person or organisation.

£5 will help buy textbooks.

Textbooks are vital to providing a high quality education.

Most schools have no textbooks or far too few. There may be only three textbooks for a class of over 100 children.

£5 will help buy textbooks

£10 will provide a years supply of exercise books, pens and pencils

for a child who cannot afford these vital materials

Pens and paper are prized possessions and children can often struggle to afford the most basic of scholastic materials.

Single seater desks

£20 buys a heavy duty desk and bench

for three children currently sitting on the floor.

Many children spend over 7 hours every day sitting on dirt floors while they attempt to learn. Jiggers – the parasite flea lives in the dirt. This large tick-like insect burrows into the toes of children making daily life and learning at school incredibly uncomfortable.

£20 buys a heavy duty desk and bench

£50 will buy a metal bunk bed for two

Many children sleep on the dusty floor.

They have only a sheet as protection from the dirt. A proper nights sleep will improve their learning capacity.

£400 will provide a musical instrument package

Ugandans, like all Africans, love their music.

It is essential for a rounded education. The package includes harps, thumb pianos, xylophone, flutes, tuba fiddles, pan pipes, lyres and drums.

£400 will pay for a sports package

Sport is an essential part of a child’s learning.

For this money we can provide a combination of footballs, volleyballs, netballs, football goal posts, volleyball nets, netball goals, corner post flags, whistles, first aid kit – depending on the need of the school.

£600 could fund a complete set of library furniture

All too frequently school textbooks are stored in piles on the ground.

This money will provide shelves for the books, plus tables and chairs for the children to learn in a quiet room, essential for secondary schools where O levels are taken in the 4th year.

£750 will provide enough solar panels for a 2.5 classroom block

so that an office and two classrooms can have lighting.

This increases the hours of learning after dark, and is essential for those children taking their final leaving exams at primary school. Without good grades, they cannot receive a free secondary education.

£1,000 buys playground equipment for a nursery school

Small children need to have fun during their playtime.

With this money we can provide a sturdy, fun painted, slide, swings and a witches’ hat roundabout to keep them amused for many hours

£1,250 will construct a 20,000 litre ISSB water tank

to harvest the plentiful rain from the roofs of buildings.

This will provide safe drinking water, and water for cooking, washing and hygiene. These tanks are made with ISSB bricks (interlocking stabilising soil bricks) that do not harm the environment.

£1,750 will pay for 4 teachers’ latrines and 2 teachers’ washrooms

At any school the latrines and washing facilities are very poor.

If a school wishes keep good staff, proper facilities will assist with the self-esteem of the teachers and stop them leaving to go elsewhere. These facilities are constructed next to teachers’ houses, away from the pupils, to provide the necessary privacy.

Most schools only have a few poles with a small amount of shelter as their kitchen.

£1,750 will construct a kitchen plus lockable store

Most schools only have a few poles with a small amount of shelter as their kitchen.

This building will give them an area to cook in away from the rain, an area to serve the food, plus a lockable store for any foraged wood for the fire and a place to store their maize for the children’s porridge. The school would no longer need to store wood and grain at the back of a classroom, plus it cannot get stolen.

£1,750 will construct a kitchen plus lockable store

Typical Ugandan Latrines

£2,500 will provide a block of 8 pupil latrine stanzas

To provide safe sanitation for a school for the next ten years.

The pit for the latrines is an incredible 35 foot, dug out by two men way below ground. Many latrines are not dug deep enough by the community and rapidly become unsafe or over-flowing.

New Latrines

£2,500 for a primary school playground

HvSMF have teamed with East African Playgrounds (EAP) https://www.eastafricanplaygrounds.org/ in order to donate some playgrounds to our primary schools.

£5,500 will construct a bore hole

The main priority at all schools would be a permanent water supply.

In September 2015 we successfully constructed our first bore hole to a depth of 60m.  This will supply enough water for approximately 2500 children and teachers per day. This donation will have a dramatic effect on the school. Without a bore hole the school either has to pay someone to collect water, money they don’t have, or the children have to walk to collect water during the day instead of spending time learning in the classroom, or they rely on various rainwater tanks where the water is only available after it has rained.

£5,250 will build a science laboratory and prep room

Necessary in secondary schools for GCSE and A level science.

An extra £1,500 is also needed to provide the lab furniture, shelves and lockable cupboard in the prep room, and to buy the minimum equipment in order to do the necessary experiments. Secondary education is a vital step in providing children with an opportunity to gain further education or training, which can ultimately lead to jobs of real financial value.

£6,250 will build a block of three teachers' houses

£6,250 will build a block of three teachers' houses

£7,500 will build a block of four.

Being a teacher in Uganda is a difficult task. Classes are large and wages are low, particularly in rural schools. Providing teachers’ accommodation helps alleviate some of the struggle. Teachers’ houses enable rural schools to recruit and retain good quality teaching staff, because they do not have a long journey into work, often on foot. More time spent at the school improves academic standards and helps with discipline and security.

£7,500 will build a block of four teachers’ houses

£7,000 will build two classrooms

£7,000 will build a two classrooms

£8,750 will build a 2.5 classroom block.

60 - 100 children in each classroom can learn out of the sun and away from the rain.

With no classroom, the children only have the shelter of a tree, with a brick as their seat. When it rains, which it regularly does in Uganda, they have to go home.

£8,750 will build a 2.5 classroom block including either 2 offices or a staffroom

£8,750 builds two dormitories

plus a matron’s room and storeroom.

Dormitories can transform a school. Children no longer have to walk home in the dark which is particularly unsafe for the girls. They create revenue for the school and also help produce the most academic students as they are always on site to learn..

Note solar panel to provide night time light.

£11,250 will provide three nursery classrooms

plus office and storeroom.

The basic knowledge taught to pupils at nursery school prepares children for their primary education. Unfortunately the Ugandan government does not provide free nursery education.

£10,500 will build 3 classrooms

£10,500 will build three classrooms

£12,250 builds a 3.5 classroom block

£12,250 will build a 3.5 classroom block

£14,000 will build 4 classrooms

£14,000 will build 4 classrooms