St Michael Girls’ Boarding Primary School



Pupils every year






New Latrines



Teachers’ Houses

St Michael Girls’ Boarding Primary School

Number of PS pupils : 446 (girls)

Number of NS pupils: 321 (128 boys and 198 girls)

School Motto :  Discipline and Knowledge is Power

St Michael’s, an all girls’ primary school, founded in 1962, is situated in the poverty stricken district of Bugweri, which was part of Iganga District until the 1st July 2018.  It is very close to St Mulumba Namunyumya mixed Primary School, which is also supported by HvSMF. St Michael’s is a catholic missionary school which does admit girls from other religions.  It is co-owned by both government and the missionaries. The teachers are chosen and paid for by the government with the head teacher always a Reverend Sister.

When HvSMF Trustees first visited in 2010 the then chairman of the SMC wrote:  “The education of girls is a key factor in improving family health, reducing infant mortality rate and changing reproductive behaviour.  With education comes increased confidence and self-esteem.  Educated women are more likely to stand up for themselves, participate in the labour force and seek health for themselves and their children.”

The main challenge for this school is the lack of a nursery school on site, especially since they now have 321 nursery pupils.  The school achieves excellent primary leaving examination results but needs help to thrive and develop.  Sadly HvSMF was not able to raise sufficient funds to provide a NS but over their years, as one of the 51 schools within our “club”, we have donated over £61,000 to the school which included the renovation of 16 teachers’ houses in order to recruit and retain the best teachers.

At our last ceremony at the school in February 2024 Sister Judith said “for the years you have worked among us we have achieved great success and you have made our schools more accommodative for our learners and safe places to stay.  You are a wonderful team, passionate about the Ugandan child education, may God reward you abundantly”.

Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Sister Judith Nantongo

What's been done so far?


  • Removal of asbestos roof and renovation of Dining Hall


  • Removal of asbestos roof on Administration Block


  • Supply of school sign
  • Construction of 8 x girls’ latrines
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ latrines and 2 x teachers’ washrooms
  • Renovation of block of 12 x teachers’ houses
  • Renovation of block of 4 teachers’ houses
  • Supply of 50 x 3 seater desks


  • Renovation of 4 x girls’ dormitories
  • Construction of 2 x classrooms
  • Construction of 8 x girls’ latrines
  • Supply of textbooks
  • Supply of musical instruments
  • Supply of 50 x 3 seater desks
  • Supply of solar panel package
  • Supply of sports equipment


  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ latrines and 2 x teachers’ washrooms
  • Renovation of 2 x teachers’ latrines
  • Construction of 2 x teachers’ washrooms
  • Renovation of 2 x teachers’ houses
  • Renovation of single teachers’ house


Original Ugandan single teachers’ house

Ugandan teacher latrines and teacher washrooms

Ugandan teachers’ houses


Renovated single teachers’ house

4 teacher latrines and 2 teacher washrooms

Renovated teachers’ houses

Flickr Galleries

St MIchaels Girls Primary 2024

St Michaels Girls Primary 2022