

Pupils every year



Girls’ dormitories



Bunk beds



Girls’ latrines

MM Wanyange Primary School

Number of pupils :  1027 (435 boys & 592 girls)

M M Wanyange Primary School was founded in 1957 by the influential Madhvani family and was subsequently donated to the community.    It is a mixed day government aided school catering for children between 6 – 14.  It is about 4 miles from Jinja, in the Busoga Region of Uganda, in Jinja District.

HvSMF first visited M M Wanyange in March 2012 to see the completed girls’ dormitory and 4 x latrines with washroom behind.  The funding for these was organised by Rory O’Donovan, a volunteer with Africa Asia Venture, a gap year volunteering organisation, who spent 3 months at the primary school during 2010.

There are 24 teachers working in 16 classrooms, including one specifically for deaf children.  There are many challenges at this school, notably the renovation of all the classrooms, latrines and teachers’ facilities. A huge amount of funding is needed.  Since the school does not feed into any other HvSMF supported school, we, as a charity, are not actively looking for funds.


Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Mrs Mary Naigaga

What's been done so far?


  • Construction of 2.5 girls’ dormitory with matron’s room included
  • Provision of 21 bunk beds


  • Construction 4 x girls’ latrines with washroom behind


2.5 girls’ dormitory

Ugandan latrines all needing to be replaced


Bunk beds

4 girls’ latrines with washroom behind

Flickr Galleries

MM Wanyange Primary 2014