







New Girls' Latrines



3 Seater Desks

Kiira Public Primary

Number of pupils :  498 (244 boys & 221 girls)

School Motto :  Education Lights

Kiira Public, a government aided school, was started in 2005 as a private school under some poles and tin as a classroom.

In 2007, Soft Power Education Group  persuaded by the family of Mr Timothy Mayhew, a resident of Kiira, constructed a 3.5 class room block with an office and store, and an 8 stanza latrine block.  They also provided a 10,000 litre water tank.

In 2011 HYT (Haileybury Youth Trust Uganda) constructed a permanent kitchen which is cost effective, environmentally friendly and has a store for the wood and maize.

In March 2011 the school became Kiira Public Primary School and was taken over by the government.  In June 2011 the District Education Officer posted James Batoleire to the school as headmaster.  He is an educated and well spoken man who has great pride in his school.  At the time of his arrival in 2011 there were 27 pupils.

Sadly James Batoleire was transferred in 2020 when there were 498 in the primary school and 87 in the nursery school. The size of the school compound will not allow any further pupils and, if no further land is available, the school cannot increase its enrolment. Under his leadership the school had performed well in the primary leaving exams in year 7.  The school policy was to screen each class year so as to improve overall performance.

Again when James was HT the school performed well at netball and football, winning the sub-county athletics over many years. It  also won the inter-school music cup on several occasions.

This success is a fitting memorial to Tim Mayhew, whose support and generosity laid the foundations of this excellent school. Tim sadly died in November 2013 without living to witness the construction of the new school buildings which were his dream.

Since James Batoleire’s transfer there have been several head teachers and fortunately the enrolment has stayed static.  As of February 2024 James Turireeba has taken over.  We wish him all the best in the future and hope he can build on the previous James’ leadership.

Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

James Turireeba

What's been done so far?


  • Construction of 4 x classrooms
  • Supply of 2 x school signs


  • Construct 6 x girls’ latrines to include washroom
  • Renovate 7 latrines into 5 x boys plus washroom and 2 x teachers
  • Replace original 10 litre plastic HYT water tank
  • Supply 50 x three seater desks
  • Provide £2000 textbooks/reference books
  • Provide staff furniture package
  • Provide sports equipment package
  • Provide musical instrument package


  • Drill bore hole

Old mixed latrines in 2014

New 6 x girls’ latrines

Musical instrument package

Renovated latrines to inc 5 boys and 2 teachers

New 4 classroom block

New borehole

Flickr Galleries

Kiira Public Nursery & Primary School 2024

Kiira Public Nursery & Primary School 2022