

Pupils every year




Built or renovated



Built or renovated


Teachers’ Houses

St Mulumba Namunyumya Mixed Primary

Number of pupils :  982 (541 boys & 441 girls)

School Motto :  To produce self reliant and well disciplined Citizens

St Mulumba’s Primary School is situated in a poverty stricken corner of Bugweri District, which was part of Iganga District until the 1st July 2018. It is very close to St Michael Girls’ Boarding Primary School, which is also supported by HvSMF. The region relies heavily on coffee and almost a decade of poor harvests, as a result of pests, has crippled the local economy.

The school was founded by Catholic missionaries in the 1930s to accommodate around 200 children. Since then the local population has quadrupled and nearly 1000 children now attend the government aided school .

At the opening ceremony in March 2010, Mr Herbert Silver, the then head master, said “St Mulumba’s is one of the schools in the District that received a Certificate of Recognition for their outstanding performance in the Primary exams of December 2009.  This has been due to the support of the HvSMF and we are indeed grateful for that.  The staff and I promise that we shall always forge ahead for better and better performance in all sectors”. Mr Silver retired in February 2015 and was replaced by Rose Takoba.  She has been well received by the parents and community and works hard on behalf of the school.

In Uganda, schools are expected to provide their staff with living accommodation. Schools that cannot do so are unable to recruit or retain the best teachers and, as such, struggle to deliver quality education to their pupils. So far we have built 8 new teachers' houses and restored a further 2 to a habitable condition.

This school has good academic results, hard-working staff and a dedicated head teacher. Since 2020 they have had approximated 140 nursery children attend the school and thus we did apply to a Grant Making Trust for funds for a new stand alone nursery school. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful. Still we leave the school in a much better position than when we first visited. They have received many new and renovated buildings and as a result we hope their enrolment increases and their academic results improve.


Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Rose Takoba

What's been done so far?


  • Construction of 4.5  classrooms including office and store room


  • Renovation of classroom into library


  • Renovation of the Old School Block to include 3 classrooms and 2 dormitories
  • Renovation of the Library Block to include 4 classrooms and library
  • Supply of 40 x 3-seater desks
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 8 x boys’ latrines


  • Renovation of 3 x classrooms to include hall
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 8 x girls latrines
  • Construction of 6 x teachers’ latrines/washrooms
  • Supply of 80 x 3-seater desks
  • Supply of 2 x water tanks
  • Supply of textbooks
  • Supply of solar panel
  • Supply of musical instruments
  • Supply of 40 x bunk beds
  • Renovation of 2 x teachers’ houses
  • Supply of 25 x 3-seater desks
  • Renovation of 3 x girls’ latrines


  • Construction of 8 boys’ latrines
  • Construction of kitchen and store
  • Construction of male and female washrooms
  • Construction of girls’ dormitory
  • Construction of 8 x girls’ latrines
  • Provision of library furniture package
  • Provision of sports equipment package
  • Construction of 20,000 litre ISSB water tank
  • Provision of solar panel package
  • Supply of 30 x 3-seater desks
  • Provision of 2 x staff furniture packages
  • Provision of textbooks £2,000
  • Construction of 4 teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 4 teachers’ latrines and washrooms


  • East African Playground


  • Construction of bore hole


Original school kitchen

Typical Uganda teacher’s house

Ugandan teachers latrines & washroom


New kitchen and store

4 new HvSMF teachers’ houses

HvSMF teachers’ latrines and washrooms

Flickr Galleries

St Mulumba Namunyumya 2024

St Mulumba Namunyumya 2022