

Pupils every year










Kifuyo Primary School

kifuyo-primary-signNumber of pupils :  1214 (619 boys & 595 girls)

School Motto:  Hard Work Pays

School Mission:  To produce literate, self-reliant and God loving Citizens

Kifuyo Primary School is in the poor and under developed district of Namayingo.  The school was built by the Church of Uganda in the 1970s to accommodate around 400 children. A combination of rapid population growth and the introduction of free primary education means that, today, over 1200 children attend the school.

The school's rapid growth placed a great deal of strain on the school's buildings with many lessons taking place outside under the shade of trees. In an attempt to alleviate the problem, in the late 1990s, the parents built the administration block incorporating two classrooms and an office. However, as a result of their limited budget, poor quality building materials were used and corners cut.  By 2011 this building was crumbling and structurally unsafe. The school had little alternative but to continue to use the rooms even though they could have collapsed at any time, endangering the lives of 200 children.

In 2013 and 2016 the HvSMF received large donations which enabled us to complete 21 separate projects at the school. This has transformed the lives of  pupils, teachers and the whole community in this impoverished area of Uganda. The school now has 14 classrooms though even this is not enough as there are still an average of 87 pupils per classroom. Despite this the school has performed consistently well in the Primary Leaving Examinations, thanks to the hard work of the previous head teacher and staff.

In 2021 we were able to supply a further girls’ and boys dorm, plus beds and solar. We also gave the school their own bore hole so they no longer had to pay to use the on site community bore hole. Providing free water will hugely help with the school finances. As with other primary schools they also benefitted from a new playground which will encourage the younger children to attend school. We hope that with all the above the new head teacher, who arrived in February 2022, will be able to continue the good work already achieved at the school.

Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Geoffrey Ouma

What's been done so far?


  • Renovation of 2 x classrooms
  • Construction of 8 x mixed latrines
  • Supply of 1 x school signx


  • Construction of 1 x 20,000 litre ISSB water tank
  • Renovation of 6 x classrooms
  • Supply of 100 x 3-seater desks
  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 6 x teachers’ latrines/washrooms
  • Renovation of 1 x head teacher’s house


  • Construction of 3.5 x classrooms
  • Supply of 55 x desks


  • Construction of 4 teachers’ houses
  • Construction of girls’ dorm plus matron’s room and sick bay
  • Construction of boys’ dorm plus matron’s room and sick bay
  • Construction of girls’ washroom
  • Construction of boys’ washroom
  • Construction of 16 girls’ latrines
  • Construction of 8 boys’ latrines
  • Renovation of 5 teachers’ latrines
  • Renovation of 8 latrines for boys and teachers
  • Renovation 4 classrooms
  • Supply 100 x 3-seater desks
  • Provide staff furniture package
  • Provide textbooks
  • Provide sports equipment package
  • Provide musical instrument package


  • Provide 20 x metal bunk beds for boys’ dorm


  • Construct 1 x girls’ dorm added to existing 1.5 dorm
  • Construct 1 x boys’ dorm added to existing 1.5 dorm
  • Provide solar package to each new dorm
  • Provide 20 x metal bunk beds for girls’ dorm


  • Provide Play Action International playground
  • Construct a bore hole




Flickr Galleries

KIfuyo Primary School 2024

Kifuyo Primary School 2022