

Pupils every year







Built or renovated


Teachers’ houses

Kawule Primary School

Number of pupils :  776 (396 boys & 380 girls)

School Motto :  Education Pays

Kawule Primary School is a remote rural school in Kamuli District serving a community which depends on growing rice and maize for their livelihood. The school was built, on 5 acres of land donated by the Catholic Church, thanks to a government grant in 1998. This enabled 6 good quality classrooms to be built and 4 teachers’ houses. The school’s enrolment quickly began to rise as parents, who had previously kept their children at home, began sending them to school as a result of the new facilities. The result was that the school’s enrolment tripled in the space of one year placing great strain upon the school’s resources.

The community responded by fundraising in order to build more classrooms. Unfortunately a former head teacher cut corners in order to get buildings up quickly. The result was that a number of the classrooms and teachers’ houses developed major structural problems. Two of the teachers’ houses collapsed, the roof of one of the classrooms fell in and the block of latrines was washed into the pit beneath them, as a result of heavy rain.

That meant that over 600 children, who attended the school, shared just 4 latrines, which caused long queues to form at break times. Children had their lessons in classrooms which were structurally unsafe and liable to fall down in the next storm. Lessons were abandoned, whenever the wind became strong, as the school feared the roof would fall in on the children. Despite these difficult conditions the staff continued to work hard and the children were keen to learn.

Since 2009, the school has been transformed with 23 separate projects by The HvSMF. These included much needed renovation of existing structures and 16 new buildings. We will now be watching to see whether the enrolment increases and the academics improve.  The school feeds into Magogo Secondary School, which is one of our supported secondary schools.


Completed Projects Images

Head Teacher

Mr Yoab Kataama

What's been done so far?


  • Renovation of 3 classrooms


  • Construction of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Construction of 3 x teachers’ latrines and 2 teachers’ washrooms
  • External painting of classrooms


  • Supply of 1 x school sign 2011


  • Purchase of 1.5 acres for Nursery School
  • Renovation of 7 x classrooms, inc Assembly hall
  • Renovation of 4 x teachers’ houses
  • Supply of 40 x 3-seater desks
  • Supply of 1 x 20,000 litre ISSB water tank


  • Completion of 1 x kitchen
  • Supply of 1 x 20,000 litre ISSB water tank


  • Supply of musical instruments
  • Supply of staff furniture


  • Supplied East African Playground
  • Constructed 3 classroom block to include staffroom plus 2 offices


  • Renovation of 11 boys and 2 teachers’ latrines
  • Construction of 16 girls’ latrines
  • Construction of a boys’ and girls’ washroom
  • Provision of £2000 textbooks
  • Provision of 2 x staff furniture packages
  • Provision of library furniture package
  • Provision of sports package
  • Provided 100 x 3-seater desks


  • Provide 2 x solar packages to 3 x classroom block


Present staffroom

Original kitchen

Original teachers’ houses


Renovated classrooms

New Kitchen

Renovated teachers’ houses

Flickr Galleries

Kawule Primary School 2024

Kawule Nursery & Primary Schools 2022